Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Monday, February 14, 2022



Chapter I.


The Human Situation – The necessity of meaning in life – the problematic nature of human existence – a thing that must be done by everyone – to have a human life we must philosophize. To live is to find meaning in this world and to decide what we shall be, what we shall believe, what we shall do with the life given us.


“To sensitive spirits of all ages life is filled with cruel contradictions and bitter ironies. Human experience is capricious and our finite minds are not able to see enough of life at one time for us to know for sure what is going on. We see only fragments of life and never the whole …  Just under the surface of the active human enterprise implicit in all we think and do there lies the eternal question: What is the meaning of existence?”

J. S. Christian

Our life is a perennial surprise. The very fact that you and I exist at all is a continual surprise. But there is more to it. This life we are given, or are thrown into, is full of cruel contradictions and it does not lack the element of tragedy. Only a complete fool can live or rather vegetate and not see that we are appearing on the scene together with a host of other beings of all sorts: the universe, completely unprepared. We are not told beforehand that we are going to live. Nobody asks us whether we want it or not. Thus we are ‘thrown into existence’ willy nilly to be always puzzled by this “thrownness “and finally merge into the mystery of death. Mystery is our origin, mystery is our life and mystery is our death.

From the Unknown we emerge, in an unknown we exist, and we go into an unknown. We are given few moments of surprised existing only to disappear into another sea of the mysterious past… Very soon we realize that we are imprisoned in many ways. We are ‘boxed in’ for few moments of time which is given to us – our lifespan. It is short and there is no escape from this prison of time. We are also imprisoned in space, because we are body – whatever this means – and every body is imprisoned in space. This spells our limitations:  very little time in little space. We cannot do anything about it. We are doomed to be carried towards an end and we do not even know when this end will come. As Heidegger would say, we are “beings unto death.” Our experiences are so short and limited that it seems to be ridiculous to try to know, what is going on really. Then there are the contradictions we face:  our absolute desire for “happiness” and the cruel disappointments, the frustrations. We realize that the brief moments of satisfaction leave us only thirstier, more dissatisfied. All our dearest strivings are often smashed against the inexorable wall of suffering, misunderstandings, cruelty of life and its transitoriness. Everything moves fast in-between our fingers: we cannot catch any moment of our existence. It will pass. So will we. The desire for more experience is denied. I have only this: my few moments of my existence and no more. I live now at this time, in this country, in this spot of the world. All this is given to me only once. I do not have much to say here. This is the element of fate in my existence.

My awareness is limited, my mind is limited, my knowledge is painfully small, and my whole existence seems to be a brief awakening to mystery without enough time or possibility to get a closer look…

This is the riddle of my life. The basic fact of my thrownness and brief co-existence with the world. The world will not let me rest for a while. I am someone who sees and loves, hates and desires this world. I move within it, I suffer it, I fight it… My life is given to me. It is finding myself in the world for a little surprised awareness. I am carried by this mysterious passing, which we call time, towards the unknown…

This wonderful surprise of my bare and puzzling existence. This is my life. I am in it, I am it. I am my life. This is my human situation. It is exciting and mysterious, it is painful and sweet, it is comical and also tragic. It is wonderful, that is full of wonder! For yours and mine basic experience is wonder and surprise! Everything is a problem for a human being.

Being what we are, we want to know. All men by nature desire to know, said Aristotle many centuries ago. To be human means to ask. A stone does not ask questions. It exists without knowing that it exists. In a way of speaking it exists only for me, but not for itself.

It is radically different with humans. Enclosed in everything we do, suffer or experience in any way whatever – at the very roots of each moment of my existence – consciously or subconsciously there is the eternal question of all humankind :  What is the meaning of existence?

A quite popular book now, written by V. E. Frankl, bears the title: Man’s Search for Meaning. In this book the author relates his life in Nazi concentration camps and summarizes his observations of men and women in those most brutal and hellish camps ever designed by man for man’s victims. The basic message and conclusion of Frankl’s life is that the search for meaning, the need to have some meaning, is the most central and absolutely first and basic need in every human being. Perhaps the best description of man is > a searcher for meaning <. Give some meaning to human life and men will gladly give their lives for it, but take away this assurance of meaning of man’s existence and man must commit suicide, go insane, degenerate slowly and die anyway. This is true for every human life. Anything we do or suffer is done or suffered because it is somehow meaningful or seems to contain meaning for us. Without this belief in meaning of our lives there is no real human existence. This quest for meaning can be expressed in many ways but all of them can be reduced to the search for worth, importance, value of life.

“Is life worth living? What is the end of it all?” Without meaning man cannot survive and conversely, he will endure almost anything including torture, sufferings, humiliation and death as long as he sees some meaning in it.

“To lose one’s life is a little thing and I shall have the courage to do so if it is necessary, but to see the meaning of this life dissipated, to see our reason for existing disappear, that is what is unbearable. One cannot live without meaning.”

Albert Camus

The absolute demand for meaning in life is so basic and strong that those who experience an existential vacuum, that is blindness to meaning of life, can think of only one thing:  suicide. The awareness that life should be without meaning cannot be accepted seriously.


Richard Dawkins vs John Lennox | The God Delusion Debate

 Man as the wondering seeker for Truth

  • 1. Connection. Philosophy is a personal search for the meaning of human existence. Beneath any question, a human being may ask, the question of the meaning of human life in the world is hidden and implied. Socrates gave the gist of the origin of the philosophical unrest and wonder when he said that “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Since man is essentially a question he cannot answer, he cannot stop questioning and searching

Sunday, February 13, 2022

The Atheist Delusion Prof.Leszek Figurski


The Atheist Delusion. www.dpl21.com

       Richard Dawkins wrote a book  under the title “The God Delusion.”  The book  is a sort of  atheistic manifesto. From the very beginning, the author  attacks  the  God of the Bible, he uses very forceful   words:  God is  a capricious tyrant , vicious and revengeful,  blood thirsty , false  figment of the human mind .For Dawkins  religion is the source of all  evils in human history, provoking persecutions , religious wars hatred and  irrationality  in human life.  Religion as a prejudice should be a eradicated as soon as possible,  and in his view,  science will replace  religious obscurantism. By science  Dawkins means primarily  evolution  of the whole cosmos and also  of  all forms of life  which produce also human beings. The only reality  one must assume is matter in movement  and nothing else everything  is explained by  matter in the processes of evolution. One must ask where  is the source  of such  views. The first thing to notice is  that  according to Dawkins science is making believing in God   completely obsolete and an obstacle to  enlightened  and free atheistic mode  of living. This conviction ultimately is based  on naturalism and materialism. Nothing immaterial or spiritual  has a right to exist.
             Actually  it is simply false  to believe  that contemporary science  is  hostile to religion.1.   The evidence from cosmology:  the big bang  accepted by all physicists  spells the origin of the universe , therefore  the cosmos is not eternal . Time and space all begin in the big blast of the beginning . Gradually  the universe developed  life, consciousness, self- awareness, intellect, all  characteristics  of human beings. 
2.   The evidence from physics: the cosmos  has been discovered as  precisely tuned for the future appearance of life and finally humans.  Even  the smallest changes in the balance of cosmic forces would make  appearance of life  and of course man absolutely impossible . Did the world know that we are coming ?
3.   The evidence from astronomy:  the privileged planet. Practically  innumerable  conditions  conspired   to  the production of our globe and it’s adaptation to the development  of life,  consciousness , knowledge , science  etc.
4.    The  evidence  from biochemistry : the complex molecular machine, a living organism.
5.   The evidence  from biological  information, DNA , RNA , the double helix and the origin of life.
6.   The evidence from consciousness: the mystery of the human mind .
7.   None of those points above , although scientifically verifiable, can be explained as  reasons for  modern atheism. Therefore the claim  that science  replaces  religious belief  is false. That means  a pure false  statement without  any reasonable justification. Science as such  is not only not inimical  to religion  but really  does not  make any  valid statement against religion, but, if it follows it’s own scientific methods it has nothing to say about the question of God’s existence. Why? Because  the object  of scientific inquiry is  the natural universe and it’s  orderly laws. Therefore an honest scientific position to the question of  religion is neutral. The position of atheism  is  based on false  understanding of the ability  and powers of the human mind  which is capable of philosophic  proves  for God’s existence. It  develops  in the philosophy of being , the arguments  from the First Cause, the Unmoved Mover , the Cosmic Intelligence and  the creator  of finite and limited beings .Creation  here means  giving existence  to entities which by themselves have no existence . They are  called into being, by the infinite power of the Omnipotent Creator.
    Atheism is based on the narrowly understood  theory of biological evolution necessarily distorts  the understanding of the nature of man. What is really man for an atheist?
(a) an accidental  conglomerate  of subatomic particles with a name ?
(b) A bundle of perceptions only (David Hume?)
(c) Is man a sophisticated computer ?
(d) Is man a product  of  chaotic forces of nature?
None of the above can be justified  and therefore atheism abolishes completely  the human being as human reducing him/her to  a speck of  self-aware dust of matter. Man therefore is reduced  to a thing  and he/she is no more a person.  Only humans  use their minds  to become  scientists, philosophers, teachers etc. Only humans  distinguish between heroes and villains. Only human beings distinguish those who have mental health and those who suffer mental disease or other disabilities. Only  within human societies do  we find  schools and libraries, hospitals and churches, prisons and cemeteries etc. Most importantly the human   drive to know  extends towards God,  towards  the Absolute.
          Atheism therefore does not acknowledge  the real nature of man at all. A man is obviously a person   and different from other forms of life  because he/she  has a spiritual center the  self,  which cannot be  reduced only to changes of matter. Self- awareness  , self-hood  and the knowledge of it’s own self-hood  characterizes man. Humans have  awareness  of  moral good and evil  and are  responsible in their  conscious acts  of choice between the two  for their moral growth or  decline. Human beings are  seekers for truth , and meaning of life and  their destiny  for eternity.  
If moral values  are  deprived  of any Divine authority  then they are man made , that is,  the very concept of good and evil , is replaced by words like progressive, creative, useful and such . Then  people  who are in some way considered  undesirable , of  different race , older people  can be considered  useless  by those who are in power  at the time. In such situation  the  dark side of human nature  and the sadistic side are free to develop and become  fashionable ideologies .  Atheism therefore  is convenient for all kind of persecutions,  and even  elimination of innocent people by the millions.  Atheism  cancels any  deeper meaning of human existence and therefore  leads to  despair as it is visible  in the writings of such existential thinkers like Jean Paul Sartre, Frederick Nietzsche, Albert Camus  and many others of the same bend of mind. The non-existence of God is simply  asserted by atheists, but by no means  in any  logical sense  proven. That is why  atheism is a delusion. 

Suggested Readings:

Adler, Mortimer, The Difference of Man and Difference  It Makes. (New York: Fordham University, 1993) or any edition
Gilson, Etienne, The Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. (Indiana: University of Notre Dames Press , 1956) or any edition

Richard Dawkins vs John Lennox | The God Delusion Debate