The Courage to Think For Yourself The Search For Truth and The Meaning of Human Life: The Courage to Think For Yourself - The Search fo...: The book is written in order to point out the indispensable duty of every human being to decide for a reflective and searching attitude i...
The Courage to Think For Yourself
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Seek God In Your Soul
Seek God In Your Soul: Think of God as He dwells within us. This way is most practical, because when we think of God within us, we are not merely imagining something that is unreal. God is really and truly within us. God is in all things — by His presence as an Observer, by His essence as Creator, and …
Lent: Time to Get the Garden Ready
Lent: Time to Get the Garden Ready: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Many of us heard these words at the Mass of Ash Wednesday. As a wannabe farmer, I cannot help thinking of the spring gardening season when I hear them. Instead of seeing the “dust” as only a reminder of my frail and lowly existence, …
Welcome to Philosophy Recordings on Youtube Philosophical Thoughts and Reflections for Everyone Thanks
Welcome to Philosophy Recordings on Youtube
Philosophical Thoughts and Reflections for Everyone
The Problems of Philosophy 1(6) (PL101)
The Existence and Nature of God 1/4 (PL101)
The Problem of God’s Existence 2/4 (PL101)
The Problem of God’s Existence continued 3/4 (PL101)
God or no God - Conclusion 4/4 (PL101)
Philosophical Thoughts and Reflections for Everyone
The Problems of Philosophy 1(6) (PL101)
The Existence and Nature of God 1/4 (PL101)
The Problem of God’s Existence 2/4 (PL101)
The Problem of God’s Existence continued 3/4 (PL101)
God or no God - Conclusion 4/4 (PL101)
Astronomy and Space News - Astro Watch: Clocking the Rotation Rate of a Supermassive Black...
Astronomy and Space News - Astro Watch: Clocking the Rotation Rate of a Supermassive Black...: The rotational rate of one of the most massive black holes in the universe has now been measured very accurately by an international tea...
Friday, March 11, 2016
Philosophical Thoughts and Reflections for Everyone: Life with a purpose - recordings by Prof. Leszek Figurski, Ph.D

Philosophical Thoughts and Reflections for Everyone: Life with
a purpose - recordings by Prof. Leszek Figurski, Ph.D
Ancient and Medieval Philosophy PL 100
What is Philosophy? 1(10)
What is , if any the meaning of human life? 2(10)
The personal obligation and duty to start thinking philosophically 3(10)
The origin of Western Philosophy 4(10)
Socrates: Teaching the moral value of life. Content: 5(10)
Plato: Teaching on the soul 6(10)
I. The Pre- Socratic thinkers revisited. 7(10)
Aristotle continued 8(10)
Arguments for the existence of God 9(10)
Little Logic 10(10)
Why Philosophy? 1(10)
Philosophical Thoughts and Reflections for Everyone: Life with
a purpose - recordings by Prof. Leszek Figurski, Ph.D Philosophical Thoughts and Reflections for Everyone: Life with
a purpose - recordings by Prof. Leszek Figurski, Ph.D
a purpose - recordings by Prof. Leszek Figurski, Ph.D Philosophical Thoughts and Reflections for Everyone: Life with
a purpose - recordings by Prof. Leszek Figurski, Ph.D
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Finality and Intelligence. Is the Universe Designed...
The Courage to Think For Yourself The Search For Truth and The Meaning of Human Life: Finality and Intelligence. Is the Universe Designe...: F i n a l i t y a n d I n t e l l i g e n c e. Is the Universe Designed? By Leszek Figurski The end of philosop...
The Courage to Think For Yourself - The Search fo...
The Courage to Think For Yourself The Search For Truth and The Meaning of Human Life: The Courage to Think For Yourself - The Search fo...: The book is written in order to point out the indispensable duty of every human being to decide for a reflective and searching attitude i...
: Atheism and the Question of Truth - Professor L. ...
The Courage to Think For Yourself The Search For Truth and The Meaning of Human Life: Atheism and the Question of Truth - Professor L. ...: The natural desire to know can be only satisfied if the person is passionately looking for truth . Somehow we know that life in delu...
Risen Rises Above Most Faith-Based Films - Crisis Magazine
Risen Rises Above Most Faith-Based Films - Crisis Magazine: I have to admit that when I know a movie was produced by bible-believing Christians I don’t expect much. Such was the case with films like October Baby, Gimme Shelter, Son of God and Old Fashioned. I am not saying that these are horrible films—they are just not very good films—and certainly nowhere near great …
How 'Progress' Led to the Dehumanization of Man - Crisis Magazine
How 'Progress' Led to the Dehumanization of Man - Crisis Magazine: The controversy over a Super Bowl ad for a snack chip that allegedly “humanized,” of all things, a pre-born human being highlights the deliberate rejection of reality of the “abortion rights” objectors. On its face, as others have noted, the controversy exposes the pernicious obfuscation that a fetus is nothing more than a “meaningless blob …
The Origins of Modern Materialism - Crisis Magazine
The Origins of Modern Materialism - Crisis Magazine: In The Merchant of Venice, Portia famously describes and praises the quality of mercy. I probably recall this monologue readily because I had to commit it to memory for recitation when I was a freshman in high school. Forty nine years after my entry into high school and three-hundred-ninety-four years after the death of Shakespeare, …
Monday, March 7, 2016
U.S. Death Penalty Facts
U.S. Death Penalty Facts: The death penalty in the U.S. is unjust, costly, discriminatory and used disproportionately against the poor and minorities.
Existence of God and the Meaning of Human Life. ww...
The Courage to Think For Yourself The Search For Truth and The Meaning of Human Life: Existence of God and the Meaning of Human Life. ww...: Generally speaking the question would be whether God is real or is it some sort of projection of the human mind. Did God make us or d...
Sunday, March 6, 2016
: God, Evil and Atheism - Why is there evil in this ...
The Courage to Think For Yourself The Search For Truth and The Meaning of Human Life: God, Evil and Atheism - Why is there evil in this ...: Introduction In the monotheistic religions of the world God is conceived...
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