Saturday, April 16, 2016

April 16 is the 127th birth anniversary of Charlie Chaplin. A quick look at a genius entertainer who made the world laugh...

April 16 is the 127th birth anniversary of Charlie Chaplin. A quick look at a genius entertainer who made the world laugh...: Imagine a man walking down the street in an oversized, baggy suit, tipping his bowler hat to people walking by and occasionally tapping his cane on the pavement. What is distinct about him is that he

Powerless and Uncaring: How can a loving God allow so much suffering?

Has Science Discovered God?

Stephen Hawking - Did God Create the Universe?

Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking - Episode 1

Bogusław Wolniewicz "IDA" SERVING GERMANY

Stephen Hawking’s Grand Design . Did God Create the Universe Full Episode.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Impossible and Unproven: How can you prove Jesus rose from the dead?

Why the New Atheists are Missing the Target? - John Lennox 2015

Dr. John Lennox - Science and the God Question [Faith & Science Confere...

Once Again, Why Intelligent Design Is Not a

Once Again, Why Intelligent Design Is Not a: Share on Facebook Once Again, Why Intelligent Design Is Not a 'God-of-the-Gaps' Argument by Jonathan McLatchie The 'god-of-the-gaps' objection to intelligent design is one that we have addressed numerous times at ENV and elsewhere (most recently, here). Yet even though the argument has been convincingly refuted time and again, it lives on in the popular literature. My friend Jamie Franklin recently published a post on his website explaining why he has come to reject the claims of ID. His main concern is that ID presents a god-of-the-gaps argument, one that is based on what we don't know, rather than what...

A Simple Argument For Intelligent Design

A Simple Argument For Intelligent Design: Share on Facebook A Simple Argument For Intelligent Design Uncommon Descent When I come across a new idea, I like to see if there are any relatively simple and obvious arguments that can be levied for or against it. When I first came across ID, this is the simple argument I used that validated it – IMO – as a real phenomenon and a valid scientific concept. Simply put, I know intelligent design exists – humans (at least, if not other animals) employ it. I use it directly. I know that intelligent design as humans employ it can (but not...

The Genesis Files: The Meaning and Purpose of Creation | Faith & Science...

The duality of Thomas Jefferson

The duality of Thomas Jefferson

Why one bishop thinks religious freedom laws matter :: EWTN News

Why one bishop thinks religious freedom laws matter :: EWTN News

Centuries of religious freedom at risk with Virginia veto, Catholic bishops warn :: EWTN News

Centuries of religious freedom at risk with Virginia veto, Catholic bishops warn :: EWTN News

The Meaning of Human Life: PASSION FOR TRUTH

The Meaning of Human Life: PASSION FOR TRUTH

The Courage to Think For Yourself The Search For Truth and The Meaning of Human Life: PASSION FOR TRUTH: Anybody who is indifferent whether something is true or not is in a grave danger of loosing any meaning of his life. Skepticism   seems to ...

CRITICAL THINKING - Fundamentals: Truth and Validity [HD]

Monday, April 11, 2016

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (full movie)

GOD and the UNIVERSE (Watch In HD 720p)

The Creation Conversation - Part 2 - Michael Behe, Stephen Meyer and Da...

The Creation Conversation - Part 1 - Stephen Meyer and Michael Behe

Intelligent Design - Michael Behe vs. Lawrence Krauss

Apostles on Trial

Apostles on Trial: April 10, 2016 Third Sunday of Easter First Reading: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41 You would think that performing miracles would win you the approbation of everyone who witnesses them, but you would be wrong. In this Sunday’s gospel, the apostles are hauled before the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem because they have been preaching the gospel and …